779. Dark Desire  (english audio)

779. Dark Desire  (english audio). Enjoy this DELICIOUS nightmare, lose all your senses tu focus only on ME. Soulless, mindless, bodiless, brainless, tasteless, voiceless… I reduce you to nothing, you cease to exist. Just pump that cock… that brain doesnt think , it decomposes in seconds until it is totally Leer más…

778. One Month Gooning Day 7 (english audio)

778. One Month Gooning Day 7 (english audio). DAY 7: Mesmerizing day 7 rescheduling efficiently and lastingly for your massive and irreversible loss of neurons… always raising the level of edging, dripping and mindmelting Goon experience Exciting! day 7 of a whole month of gooning therapy-fantasy that will transform you Leer más…

777. One Month Gooning Day 6 (english audio)

777. One Month Gooning Day 6 (english audio). DAY 6: Mesmerizing day 6 submerging yourself i a spiral of infinite ecstasy… lets raise the level of edging, dripping and mindmelting Goon experience Exciting! day 6 of a whole month of gooning therapy-fantasy that will transform you into a chronic brainless Leer más…

776. One Month Gooning Day 5 (english audio)

776. One Month Gooning Day 5 (english audio). DAY 5: Mesmerizing you with my PRETTY FEET, edging, dripping and mindmelting Goon experience Exciting! day 5 of a whole month of gooning therapy-fantasy that will transform you into a chronic brainless mindless gooner Immerse yourself in this intensive month of goon Leer más…

775. One Month Gooning Day 4 (english audio)

775. One Month Gooning Day 4 (english audio). DAY 4: Mesmerizing you with my tits, edging, dripping and mindmelting Goon experience Exciting! day 4 of a whole month of gooning therapy-fantasy that will transform you into a chronic brainless mindless gooner Immerse yourself in this intensive month of goon therapy-fantasy. Leer más…

774. One Month Gooning Day 3 (english audio)

774. One Month Gooning Day 3 (english audio). DAY 3: Mesmerizing, edging, dripping, cum countdown,cei and mindmelting Goon experience Exciting! day 2 of a whole month of gooning therapy-fantasy that will transform you into a chronic brainless mindless gooner Immerse yourself in this intensive month of goon therapy-fantasy. A complete Leer más…

773. One Month Gooning Day 2 (english audio)

773. One Month Gooning Day 2 (english audio). Mesmerizing, edging, dripping and mindmelting Goon mode experience Exciting! day 2 of a whole month of gooning therapy-fantasy that will transform you into a chronic brainless mindless gooner Immerse yourself in this intensive month of goon therapy-fantasy. A complete and no return Leer más…

772. One Month Gooning Day 1 (english audio)

772. One Month Gooning Day 1 (english audio). DAY 1: Mesmerizing and mindwashing Goon mode initiation experience Exciting! day 1 of a whole month of gooning therapy that will transform you into a chronic brainless mindless gooner Immerse yourself in this intensive month of goon therapy. A complete and irreversible Leer más…

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